Patient Videos
Your prosthetic device will help you achieve independence and mobility as long as it receives proper care and maintenance. Watch and listen to George, Bernice, Jim, Joe and Eric describe their journey through the healing process and how they have returned to the life they enjoy.

George provides tips and tricks he has learned to maintain the fit of his BK vacuum prosthesis.

Bernice describes her journey from amputation surgery to returning home and living independently.

Jim talks about his farmer-friendly pin prosthesis.

Joe shares his experience as a recent BK amputee and his goals for the future.

Let’s talk about socks!

Donning & Doffing a Prosthesis
George discusses how to don and doff his vacuum prosthesis.

Q&A with Brent Watzka CP
Brent answers some popular questions regarding prosthetics. He also explains his thought process for choosing the appropriate device for each individual patient.